For FamiliesA burial service at Bluestem is created by the family or designated service leader and can include as much or as little ceremony as desired. Families that have held services at Bluestem have invited ministers, poets, musicians, singers, pets, all of the relatives, or only friends.
Bluestem staff and volunteers support the family by being present and witness, standing by to lower the casket or shroud, or the placing of the ashes in the ground. We find that people are so deeply present in nature and surrounded by the loving care of friends and family, that they are frequently moved to lower their loved ones into the ground. Some burial services include a memorial service in one of Bluestem's sanctuaries prior to the internment. Others hold the memorial service directly at the gravesite. Bluestem staff can place the casket or shroud in a sanctuary ahead of time, followed by a procession to the gravesite after the memorial service. Or, we can place it directly at the gravesite.
Speak with staff about how you wish to remember your person onsite. Different from conventional cemeteries, please note that Bluestem burial services are scheduled on Tuesdays through Fridays between the hours of 9am and 3pm. Bluestem does not hold burial services after 3pm. Occasional Mondays and Saturdays may be available for scheduling; however, services on a Saturday require an additional $500 fee. Burial services are not scheduled on Sundays or Holidays. Exceptions may be made for religious purposes.
Services At BluestemRemembering at BluestemGravesites at Bluestem are natural spaces within restored grasslands and woodlands. The gravesites alter over time and may even "disappear" with the seasons. Gravesites become one with the evolving landscape. No framing of graves is permitted. If collections of stones, branches, or other leave behinds are assembled around or on gravesites, they will be removed.
Returning family and friends can locate their loved one’s gravesite or, as importantly, they can experience the fullness of the entire nature preserve in honor of their loved one’s memory. After burial services, families receive GPS coordinates for the location of graves. Please contact us if you have any questions about locating a grave.
No outside plantings are permitted; however, native plantings and seeds may be provided for the burial service by Bluestem staff. Please speak with us directly about your wishes for memorialization.
We are currently engaged in a landscape wide inventory of existing plants, shrubs and trees, and developing a list of approved native plants for future consideration. Contact us if you would like to make a donation toward our Forest Restoration or Prairie Restoration Programs. |